Friday, January 25, 2008

I've Been Tagged

I've been tagged by Lorraine from Pie Cake Primitives!!!

Here are 5 things about me and 5 favorite places.

1. I am crazy in love with Maroon 5.

2. I love chocolate!!!

3. I love going to flea markets, garage sales, and antique shops with my sis.

4. I am afraid of the dark after a scary movie.

5. I love the feel of mohair.

Here are my 5 favorite places on the web:

1. Olde Cape Primitives

2. Cabin Creek Farm

3. Turkey Feathers

4. Miss Maddies

5. Dolls and Old Lace

That about sums it up.

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Winter Wonder

Well, it has just started snowing here at our house in the woods. I love the sight of fresh snow. It makes me want to start creating those lovely winter prodjects...

My Little Elephant

My Little Elephant
Tattered Mohair