Friday, May 8, 2009

A Humble Past Primitives Show...

Come and see me at this wonderful new show!!! I was invited to do this show at "Piney Creek Primitives" in North Lima, OHIO on June 13th, 2009. (10a.m. to 3p.m.) Hope you come and see all the wonderful primitives that everyone has to offer!!! I will have prim dolls, bears, and some antiques for you to consider....
Have a blessed day,

1 comment:

basketsnprims said...

I love your lil dollie. So prim & cute. I lost out on your last ebay auction, rats. Have fun at the show & I hope you sell out.

Winter Wonder

Well, it has just started snowing here at our house in the woods. I love the sight of fresh snow. It makes me want to start creating those lovely winter prodjects...

My Little Elephant

My Little Elephant
Tattered Mohair